
Secure or better apps for users

  Derivative Data Information our servers automatically collect when you access the Application, such as your native actions that are integral to the Application, including liking, re-blogging, or replying to a post, as well as other interactions with the Application and other users via server log files.  Financial Data : Not applicable for VDLNedcar apps. There is no payment necessary for this Application. Financial information, such as data related to your payment method is for this application Not Applicable.  Data from Social Networks : Not applicable for VDLNedcar apps. User information from social networking sites, such as [Apple’s Game Center, Facebook, Google+ Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter], including your name, your social network username, location, gender, birth date, email address, profile picture, and public data for contacts, if you connect your account to such social networks. This information may also include the contact information of anyone you invite to use and/or jo